How to Text Your Crush Without Being Boring? [16 Tips]

How to Text Your Crush Without Being Boring

Texting your crush can be a minefield of anxiety and uncertainty. The importance of maintaining a balance between showing interest and not coming off as annoying or boring cannot be overstated. The way we text can reflect our confidence and self-esteem, impacting the quality and flow of the conversation. In this article, we’ll deep dive … Read more

How Long Does A Crush Last? [Unraveling the Mystery]

How Long Does A Crush Last

Have you ever wondered how long does a crush last and why some crushes seem to linger while others fade away quickly? The duration of how long a crush can last vary greatly, with some intense feelings dissipating after a short period of time, while others develop into long-lasting attachments that can span years. Understanding … Read more

Why Do People Stare at Me in Public? [9 Uncommon Reasons]

Why Do People Stare at Me in Public

Have you ever wondered why people stare at you when you’re out in public? The act of someone staring can draw attention and sometimes make us feel uncomfortable. But why does it happen? Let’s explore the reasons behind why people may stare at individuals in public, considering factors such as human nature, cultural context, and … Read more

8 Amazing Benefits of Being Single [2023 Guide]

Benefits of Being Single

Bin everything you think you know about being single. Starting with the assumption that it means being ready to mingle. I’ve been single for a while now (four years, if we’re not counting situationships), and while I’m the first to admit, I often dance the Tango with loneliness, I love the benefits of being single. … Read more