How to Rebuild Trust in a Relationship? 18 Proven Tips & Advice

Trust is the foundation of any healthy and fulfilling relationship. When it’s broken, it can cause significant emotional pain and damage to the relationship.

Rebuilding trust after a betrayal, be it infidelity, lies, or broken promises, is possible. But only if you want it to.

From taking responsibility for the breakdown to rebuilding consistency and empathy, we’ll provide actionable tips on how to rebuild trust in a relationship and foster a healthy love life.

10 Signs of Lack of Trust in a Relationship

Signs of Lack of Trust in a Relationship
  1. Assuming the worst of each other
  2. Frequent accusations
  3. Difficulty discussing feelings, concerns, or fears openly and honestly
  4. Lack of emotional and physical intimacy
  5. The need to control
  6. Checking phones or emails
  7. Feeling the need to test your partner
  8. Feeling uncomfortable or anxious around each other
  9. Holding onto past mistakes and being unable to forgive the partner for past issues, even after addressing them
  10. Unwilling to apologize

How is Trust Broken?

Trust is fragile and easily broken when certain behaviors or actions undermine the foundation of trust.

Here are some common ways trust can be broken in a relationship (spoiler, it isn’t always the “big” things that can break trust):

  • Infidelity
  • Dishonesty
  • Broken promises
  • Addictive behaviors
  • Financial betrayal
  • Disrespect and abuse
  • Lack of support
  • Boundary violations
  • Neglect
  • Inconsistent behavior

How To Rebuild Trust in a Relationship as the Offender?

How To Rebuild Trust in a Relationship as the Offender

You made a mistake. Perhaps you lied, hurt your partner, or kept information hidden, fearing it would hurt them. Regardless of your reasons, it’s crucial to recognize that the breach of trust may be significant, and repairing it might be challenging.

However, if both of you are willing to work on rebuilding the relationship, there are several helpful steps you can take.

1. Take responsibility

Taking responsibility for the breakdown of trust is an essential first step towards rebuilding it. This means acknowledging your own actions, the hurt you caused, being open and honest about what you did, how it affected your partner, and why you did it.

2. Consider your ‘why’

Self-reflection is another vital aspect of taking responsibility. It involves being honest with yourself about your motivations and recognizing the underlying issues that led to the breakdown of trust. .

Did you feel like ending the relationship but struggled to express it? Were there unmet needs in the relationship that contributed to your behavior? Or was it simply a foolish mistake?

It is crucial to have an open and honest conversation about the root cause of the breakdown. It may be challenging, but it is a vital step in the process of rebuilding trust.

Also read: How to Reconnect After a Relationship Break

3. Show remorse

It’s important to not only say sorry but also to show that you’re willing to do whatever it takes to rebuild trust. This might involve making changes in your behavior, being more transparent, and actively working on regaining your partner’s trust.

4. Listen to your partner

One way to demonstrate your commitment to taking responsibility and repairing broken trust is through active listening. This involves being fully present and engaged in conversations with your partner, listening to their concerns and feelings, and showing that you understand without getting defensive.

Active listening also means being open to feedback and constructive criticism. It can be challenging to hear difficult truths about ourselves, but being receptive to feedback is crucial in strengthening the relationship.

5. Put yourself in your partner’s shoes

Try to put yourself in your partner’s shoes and see things from their perspective. Understand why they may feel hurt or betrayed and work towards addressing their concerns.

Acknowledging and validating your partner’s emotions can help rebuild trust. It shows that you are committed to repairing the damage done and are willing to put in the effort to make things right.

6. Seek counseling or therapy

Building trust after it’s been broken can be challenging, and sometimes it may be necessary to seek professional help. Couples therapy or counseling can provide a safe and supportive environment to address the problems and work towards rebuilding trust.

7. Respect boundaries

If your partner sets boundaries to protect themselves during the rebuilding process, respect them and commit to honoring those boundaries.

8. Recognize that this journey might be lengthy

Rebuilding trust could prove to be one of the most challenging and time-consuming tasks in your relationship. And it’s not going to happen overnight.

Stay committed and persevere in your efforts to regain your partner’s trust. Show your partner respect and avoid pressuring them to “get over” the issue quickly.

9. Be transparent

If you say you’re all in on the relationship moving forward, be transparent about your actions and intentions, and don’t make promises you can’t keep. Failure to follow through can lead to a breakdown in trust.

Remember that rebuilding trust is a gradual process that requires genuine effort, patience, and understanding. Be prepared to demonstrate your commitment through consistent actions and allow your partner the time and space they need to heal. Trust is fragile, but with time you can rebuild trust in a relationship.

How to Rebuild Broken Trust in a Relationship as the Person That Got Hurt?

Having someone break your trust can leave you feeling hurt, shocked, and even physically sick. It might make you rethink your relationship, your partner and what trust means in a different way.

If you want to attempt to regain trust, here are some good starting points

1. Communicate your feelings

When communicating your feelings, be specific about how the breach of trust has impacted you emotionally.

Use “I” statements to express yourself. For example, say, “I felt hurt and betrayed when I discovered what happened,” instead of “You hurt me by doing that.”

You may feel emotional or upset during this conversation. These feelings are completely valid. If you feel yourself getting too upset to continue communicating in a productive way, take a break and come back to the topic later.

2. Set boundaries

Establish clear and specific boundaries based on your values and what you need to feel safe and secure in your romantic relationship. Communicate these boundaries calmly and assertively, making sure your partner understands the reasons behind them.

3. Practice forgiveness

If you plan on staying in this relationship and making it work, you must forgive. Forgiveness is a process, and it won’t be easy, but if you want to restore trust, it is necessary.

Forgiveness doesn’t mean condoning or accepting what your partner did. Instead, it empowers you to come to terms with the past and move forward. By forgiving, you provide an opportunity for growth and learning, both for yourself and your partner.

Though forgiving your partner may be challenging, remind yourself that it is a step towards healing while allowing you to release the burden of the past.

4. Seek support

Talk to friends or family members you trust about your feelings, but also consider seeking professional help. A therapist or couples counselor can provide impartial guidance and help you navigate through the healing process.

5. Focus on the present, not the past

While acknowledging past mistakes, focus on the present efforts both you and your partner are making to rebuild trust. Dwelling too much on the past can impede progress.

When you decide to give the relationship a second chance, you’re also deciding to trust your partner again. Maybe you can’t completely trust them right away, but you’re implying you’ll give trust a chance to regrow.

6. Be honest about what you need

Reflect on what you need from your partner to rebuild trust. It might be things like more quality time together, increased emotional support, or greater transparency about certain issues. Communicate these needs calmly and clearly.

7. Take time for yourself

Healing from broken trust can be emotionally draining. Take time for self-reflection and self-care. Engage in activities that bring you joy and find healthy ways to process your emotions.

8. Observe Consistency

Observing consistency is a crucial aspect of rebuilding trust in a relationship. It involves paying attention to your partner’s actions and behavior over time to ensure they align with their promises and commitments.

Consistency indicates that your partner is making a genuine effort to change and rebuild trust. It reassures you that their intentions are sincere and that they are committed to creating a more trustworthy and reliable relationship.

9. Give yourself time

Repairing trust is not a linear journey. Give yourself the necessary time and space to heal and regain confidence. Allow the process to unfold naturally.

Remember, rebuilding broken trust after your partner betrayed you is a complex process that requires commitment, vulnerability, and compassion from both partners. It may involve ups and downs, but with genuine effort and understanding, it is possible to heal and create a stronger, more resilient relationship.


Rebuilding trust in a relationship takes time, effort, and commitment from both partners. Whether you are the one who got hurt or the offender, it requires open communication, empathy, and consistent effort. Recognizing the impact of the breach of trust, understanding the underlying issues, and taking responsibility for one’s actions are key steps towards healing and growth.

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2 thoughts on “How to Rebuild Trust in a Relationship? 18 Proven Tips & Advice”

  1. My husband was stuck in love with his mistress and broke up our 3 years marriage. After taking help from marriage counseling services my husband suddenly realized his mistake and came back to my life. This guide is really wonderful. Thanks for writing all these points in detailed form.

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